
Gourmet pizza: pizza 2.0

06 April 2018

Gourmet pizza: pizza 2.0

Whether you are passionate about cooking or not, you couldn’t help noticing how gourmet pizza has become a widespread phenomenon. Many pizza-chefs are now trying special pizza dough and toppings, worthy of the best haute cuisine. Everywhere, from TV programs to magazines and social networks, you can read of this new way to conceive a simple and ancient product like pizza.

In fact, talking about pizza is talking about a symbol, an Italian icon that is not just ingredients and tradition, but that it also takes on the responsibility of a set of values, of a culture that, starting from Southern Italy, has spread all over the world. Pizza, as we have always known, brings the tricolor across geographical and cultural barriers, combining tastes and people. In the majority of cases, attempts of imitation of this recipe outside Italy do not bear the competition with the original one.

However, nowadays there are people who use the tradition as a starting point to create a new product, a 2.0 version. Someone calls it “gourmet pizza”, someone else “tasting pizza”, other prefers not to give it a label but to let it speak in front of the guests’ eyes. In any case, however you want to call it, it is a more sophisticated reinterpretation of the classic pizza, where the risen bases are stuffed with real cooking recipes, more unusual and elaborate than the traditional ones. The dough is often made using sourdough and left to rise longer to make the pizza lighter and more digestible. Moreover, the ingredients are seasonal and, obviously, of the highest quality.

The experience and skill of the pizza-chef in the creation of the dough must, therefore, be combined with a selection of quality raw materials, the study of the right stuffing recipe and a correct cooking of the various ingredients. However, these elements can hardly be conjugated for an excellent result without the support of cutting-edge cooking tools. Within the spaces of a modern pizzeria which also includes a selection of Gourmet pizzas, every cooking equipment play a fundamental role in the success of the pizza: both oven and kitchen are combined.

The peculiarity of this type of pizza is the presentation. It is usually served at the table in slices (4, 6 or 8) and in each slice one can find all the ingredients, wisely positioned in equal quantities. The idea is that the pizza has to be shared, tasted together with the other guests, so that every person at the table, eating only a slice, can savour every single flavor.

Is it a fashion? Surely, the gourmet pizzeria is a concept that is becoming popular, but if the trend is combined with quality ingredients and attention to health, then we hope that it will continue over time. What remains, even in the new version of pizza, is the idea of ​​sharing. And sharing, at the table and in the kitchen, is a universal value.

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